Officinae is the international magazine of the G∴L∴D∴I∴ which speaks for its latin name, being an actual workshop where every cultural aspect can find its initiatory translation.
Born around 1989, every issue was a quarterly printed 56-pages until 2016, when it started being published only online and continuously updated.
From its paper edition, a tradition has been preserved, and that is the yearly publishing of a collection of unreleased articles of particular interest, also for a profane public, in the form of a book. Officinae has always been a collection of articles handling cultural, architectural, historical, symbolic, alchemic, esoteric and ritual matters. Both the affiliates of the Obedience and profanes can submit their articles for publishing.
From its paper edition, a tradition has been preserved, and that is the yearly publishing of a collection of unreleased articles of particular interest, also for a profane public, in the form of a book. Officinae has always been a collection of articles handling cultural, architectural, historical, symbolic, alchemic, esoteric and ritual matters. Both the affiliates of the Obedience and profanes can submit their articles for publishing. Yet, the non-initiates shall prove to be competent in the topic of choice, cultivated, honest, straightforward people, free of clichés, hackery, prejudicial ideologies, academicisms and blind dogmatisms. Ultimately, endless study, free and original thinking, a seeking path free of any ambition of arrival are the key access to the workshop.

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